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dc.description.abstractThe following paper presents the process developed throughout the semester, to reach the final product, "Ganesha". Application that seeks to help people lead a healthier life through meditation and put introspection into practice. This with the tools that are provided within the app, in which we can find sections such as: Balance, Learning, Activities to be carried out, etc. An investigation was carried out on the topics of "Excess stimuli" and the "Slow Living" lifestyle in various sources of information such as books, documentaries, web pages and approaches with experts to understand more deeply about these topics. To delve deeper into the subject and understand how both lifestyles are lived, approaches were made with users who were familiar with these lifestyles. Methodologies such as interviews, empathy maps and Lover- letter / Break up letter were used. After the approaches, an analysis of the information collected was made to begin the ideation and design process. It began by categorizing the information from both experts and users. What led us to obtain discoveries that would help us understand the situations that users experience and thus be able to find a solution to these problems. Based on these discoveries / insights, it was possible to start the process of proposals and design principles, which would be the bases for the development and design of the application. It was decided to develop an application as a proposal for the final product. During the development of said app, tests and approaches were carried out with users to verify and test the operation of the app. These tests helped the continuous evolution of the application until reaching its final prototypespa
dc.rightsAcceso Abiertospa
dc.rights.uriAtribución-NoComercial CC BY-NCspa
dc.subjectEmotional tranquilityspa
dc.typeASE Dosspa
dc.contributor.authorFlorencia Nava, Angel Hayden
dc.contributor.authorDe La O Fuentes, Osmar
dc.type.versionVersión aceptadaspa

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